
Today’s Prayer Times
Islamic: al-Arba‘ā’, 20 Sha'aban 1446 AHWednesday, February 19, 2025
Due to the COVID restrictions, Jum’a Jamaat can be attended by pre-booking only! Please call 07956 655889 to reserve your space.

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Welcome to the Salisbury Central Masjid
A community based, independent and non-profit organization based in the wonderful Wiltshire city.

Our vision is to provide a range of holistic, culturally sensitive services for the communities of Salisbury and district, drawing on our Islamic values and heritage, with a view to improving quality of life and enhancing community cohesion.

We continually looking to help the local community with our charitable campaigns, as well as grow understanding of our Islamic traditions and customs, and support our fellow muslims.

Our Services
Here to help
Religious & Spiritual

The association is always available to offer help and support for Prayer, Religious advice and counseling, New Muslims advice and support, Marriage solemnizations
and Funeral Services.


The Mosque in Salisbury is open for all of the five daily prayers. During the daytime the main prayer hall can be used for reading the Qur‘an and quiet contemplation. It can accommodate over 200 people. During busy times, such as Friday prayer, Eid prayer and the Tarawih prayers in Ramadan, an additional 50 people can be accommodated in the adjacent floor above with audio coming directly from the ground floor.

Religious advice and counseling

Muslims turn to the mosque for help and advice in all matters of their day-to-day life. The Salisbury Muslim Association has trained Imams to advice and counsel on the many concerns of the community such as bereavement, cultural challenges, generational issues and matrimonial problems.

New Muslims advice and support

Regular programmes include Tafsir (explanation) of the Qur‘an in English, and Bangla programme open to all with a diverse range of speakers and topics.

As more people find out about Islam, some decide to convert. The Muslim Association Salisbury provides advice, support and friendship. Weekly sessions are also provided so that they can learn to pray, read the Qur‘an and perform the other duties that Muslims are required to carry out.

Marriage solemnizations

Family life is the building block of a successful society, and marriage is an occasion of great joy in the Muslim community. The Muslim Association of Salisbury facilitates the solemnisation of an Islamic contract of marriage. The newly-married couple is provided with an official ‘Nikah’ certificate to show they have been married according to Islamic Law.

Funeral Services

Funeral rites for a Muslim must be observed according to religious guidelines. An independent funeral service authorized by the association based in Salisbury, arranges for the collection of the deceased from the hospital or mortuary, allows and facilitates the families to wash the body as required by the law of Islam and makes arrangements for the funeral prayer and the burial in the Muslim Burial ground in Salisbury.

Education & Training

The Muslim Association of Salisbury from its inception has been a place of education and learning. From Monday to Thursday for two hours each evening children learn about Islam.

Evening Madrasa

The Muslim Association of Salisbury from its inception has been a place of education and learning. From Monday to Thursday for two hours each evening children learn about Islam using the modern facilities here in the Mosque. Almost 35 pupils are taught a wide range of Islamic subjects.

The evening classes are diversified with the memorizing facility. An additional class is ran every evening from Saturday – Thursday by professional Hafiz’s whom always go out of their ways to make every bit possible for your child to memorise the Holly Quran Sharif.

Weekend Madrasa

The weekend Madrasa here at the Salisbury Mosque, which is held from 11am to 2pm every Saturday and Sunday. This is a very popular class which attracts children from outer suburb. It is allowing the children learn the Islam in a syllabusic system.

Foreign Languages

Every Wednesday here in the Salisbury Mosque, scholars takes another step to educate the children with further knowledge in languages. This class is ran with the choice of language voted by the majority demand.

Hajj & Umrah Training

As more people undertake the Hajj and Umrah every year, the Mosque offers an open training programme every year.

Summer Supplementary School

A Four -week course runs during the summer holiday by professional Qari’s, offering children the opportunity to learn and read Quran Sharif in the correct grammatical way.

Culture & Heritage

The Council of Mosques was formally launched in April 2001 by Muslim Council of Britain to advocate on racial and social harmony within the diverse community of Britain.

Council of Mosques

The Council of Mosques was formally launched in April 2001 by Muslim Council of Britain to advocate on behalf of all the mosques with in UK. It provides closer networking between the mosques, service providers and faith communities. It also encourages racial and social harmony within the diverse community of Britain and provides support and guidance to mosques on planning, health, child protection, forced marriage, safety and other issues.

Islam Awareness Project

The Islam Awareness Project arranges open days for people to find out more about the religion of Islam and the Muslim world.


Here in the Muslim Association of Salisbury we conduct muslim marriages which are followed by the guidelines and the Sunnah of Prophet Mohammad (SA).

Social Welfare

We are available for discussions and assistance regarding Faith in Health, Charity Collections and Health Promotions

Faith in Health

Faith in Health, in partnership with NHS in Salisbury, aims to create awareness in the community of the health services available to them.

Working in partnership with the local health authority as well as other organisations, projects and services, it organises a range of events and initiatives which create access to the numerous different health services available to the community.

Charity Collections

The mosque regularly facilitates charity collections for a wide variety of good causes, especially in the month of Ramadan. It also arranging to hosts an Islamic Relief clothes bank through which many tones of clothes have been donated.

Health Promotions

The Muslim Association of Salisbury works with health promotion groups, hospitals and health authorities to promote better health and healthy living.

It is also encouraging local schools and hospitals to provide Halal meat and Poultry for the Muslims

Economic Regeneration

Our advisors are on hand to assist with Job search projects and Business Ideas.

Job search projects

The Muslim Association is working with the local Jon center plus to ran a course every month with in the Association facilities to help and promote training to help search jobs for unemployed people. They offer help and advice with CV writing, applications, interview techniques etc.

Business and Ideas

Coming soon.

The Pillars of Islam
Ethical & Moral Beliefs That Guides To The Straight Path!





( Fasting )


( Pilgrimage )


( Almsgiving )

Forthcoming Events
What's on, in and around Salisbury and the Muslim community
Saturday, August 29, 2020

as-Sabt, 10 Muharram 1442 AH

Please look out for the allocated date for a prayer gathering. ...

Thursday, August 20, 2020

al-Khamīs, 1 Muharram 1442 AH

May the forthcoming year be spent by the way of prophet Mohammed, pbh ...

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